16 December 2024
By John Dewhirst Ask a rugby enthusiast to name the
traditional giants of English rugby and the chances are that
Bradford would not come to mind. Yet immediately prior to the 1895
split, the Park Avenue club was considered alongside Newport and
Blackheath as one of the leading sides in the British Isles. The
Bradford fixture list - comprising contests with the likes of
Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Marlborough, Blackheath,
Richmond and Newport - was testament to the status of the club.
Similarly, many people may be surprised to know that Bradford was
where the Barbarians were formed in April, 1890. Again, the
birthplace reflected the fact that Bradford was a prestige venue
for a touring side. During the ten years prior to 1895 Bradford FC
consistently provided at least two members in the England XV and of
all the northern clubs it was Bradford FC that contributed the most
internationals during this period. [caption id="attachment_1923"
align="alignleft" width="427"] Fred Bonsor, Bradford FC[/caption] Bradford is more
commonly known as a centre of Rugby League and indeed, the city has
recently been selected as the home of the new National Rugby League
Museum. Two of the founder members of the Northern Union were from
Bradford and it was Manningham FC - later reincarnated as Bradford
City AFC in 1903 - who finished champions of the inaugural NRU
championship in 1895/96. By the end of the nineteenth century there
was regret at Park Avenue about having seceded from the Rugby Union
and in 1907 there was even a vote of the Bradford FC members for a
return. That decision was later overturned in favour of introducing
soccer and rugby enthusiasts opted between the Bradford Northern
phoenix professional club and local amateur sides. Eventually a
successor Rugby Union club, Bradford RFC was formed in 1919 and
prior to the opening of Odsal Stadium in 1934 regularly attracted
five figure crowds to its ground at Lidget Green. Eventually, in
1982 the club merged with Bingley RUFC to become Bradford &
Bingley RUFC. Such was the controversy and polemic of
the schism in 1895 that the Rugby Union heritage of both Bradford
FC and Manningham FC came to be virtually forgotten. This was
despite the fact that the two clubs played a major role in
determining the history of rugby in this country. Theirs was the
story of two competing businesses who struggled to co-exist.
Fundamentally they were more alike than their followers cared to
admit. Their differences were defined principally by urban
geography as opposed to social class. Bradford FC, based at Park
Avenue - a Victorian cathedral of sport - was the high church
alternative to Manningham FC, its non-conformist rival at Valley
Parade. Between them they represent case studies of how rugby
became established as an entertainment industry in the Victorian
era and of how a sport became commercialised. During the nineteenth
century Bradford had been one of the fastest growing urban centres
in Britain and it was essentially an industrial frontier town.
Sport played a massive role in helping to shape the town's identity
and civic patriotism. Both Bradford FC and Manningham FC had a big
part in this and provide a unique study of how sporting culture
evolved alongside urbanisation and the growth of a town. In this
sense, rugby was as much a product of industrial revolution as an
industry in itself. The two Bradford clubs bore witness to a
sporting revolution and the transformation of a game based on the
supply of enthusiasts to one based on the demand (or otherwise) of
spectators. The Bradford club could trace its origins in 1863
although did not play a competitive game with another club until
the winter of 1866/67. To that extent the city of Bradford can
boast a sequence of 150 years of competitive rugby. However, it was
not until around 1872 when things became fairly serious and
fixtures were a matter of civic pride against other emergent clubs
in Yorkshire. By the mid-1870s Bradford FC under the captaincy of
Harry Garnett had established a reputation as one of the leading
clubs in the county. Consistent with its new found status, Bradford
FC actively promoted the formation of the Yorkshire Challenge Cup
competition in 1876 which proved to be a catalyst for the formation
of clubs elsewhere in Yorkshire. Bradford FC was also a prominent
member of the Yorkshire County Football Club from 1874, the
organisation which managed the affairs of rugby in Yorkshire, later
reconstituted as the Yorkshire Rugby Union. As the oldest club in
the county, Bradford FC saw itself as an aristocrat of the game and
was boastful of its role acting to encourage its spread. It was a
matter of accident that rugby - as opposed to soccer - came to be
played in Bradford. The example of the town's senior club
undoubtedly encouraged the choice of code and once established, the
option of soccer was limited by virtue of the fact that there were
insufficient playing areas to accommodate both games. In fact, such
was the demand for rugby - known in West Yorkshire simply as
'football' - that soccer was initially crowded out. It was the
opening of Park Avenue in 1880 as home to the newly formed Bradford
Cricket, Athletic & Football Club that had a further impact on
the growth of rugby through commercialising the game. The new
ground and development of facilities made it possible for
unprecedented crowds to attend. Park Avenue provided Bradford FC
with economic advantage and within ten years the club was
considered the wealthiest in England, even subject to tax
investigation in 1893. By winning the Yorkshire Challenge Cup in
1884, Bradford FC made rugby fashionable in the district and it was
this achievement that led to the formation of junior clubs in every
surrounding village. [caption id="attachment_1924"
align="alignright" width="270"]
Cap belonging to George Lorimer, Manningham
FC[/caption] Manningham FC had emerged in 1880, in circumstances
indirectly related to the opening of Park Avenue and the changes
that this created to the composition of other local sides. By 1885
Manningham FC had reached the final of the Yorkshire Cup and
established itself as a rival of Bradford FC. That rivalry would
become increasingly bitter, akin to a blood feud and this defined
the future relationship of the two successor soccer clubs. There
were numerous incidents that antagonised relations between the two
but fundamentally the rivalry was that of business competitors.
With relocation to Valley Parade in 1886, Manningham FC became
established as a genuine economic threat to Bradford FC which
resented the loss of its monopoly. It was not without substance
that Manningham members perceived attempts by the Park Avenue
organisation to extinguish their own club. Neither missed the
opportunity to undermine its rival when the opportunity presented
itself and collectively their conduct made a mockery of notions of
Victorian sportsmanship. The story of Bradford rugby explains why
the Northern Union came about and the economic pressures that
forced the split in the game. It also offers a unique perspective
on why West Yorkshire was a rugby heartland and the subsequent
co-existence with soccer. Above all, the example of the two
Bradford clubs who were variously members of the Rugby Union,
Northern Union and then Football League illustrates the extent to
which the history of the three codes has been intertwined with a
common, shared heritage. About the Author
- John Dewhirst's 'Room at the Top' covers the
origins of sport in
Bradford through to 1890 whilst 'Life at the Top'
tells the story of the first rugby league in Yorkshire and split of
1895 as well as the circumstances behind rugby being abandoned at
Valley Parade and Park Avenue in the first decade of the twentieth
century. For details on how to purchase visit
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